Another new business? Renee partners and opens Melt Café

I have big plans with lots of cool projects in 2010. I want to share with you just one of the big projects that I have been working on. I partnered with one of my clients, Teresa Schulz in Seattle and we opened a café, and it has been great. You know I love running multiple businesses (some as absentee owner, like the café), and this one has been a real kick so far. We have already several positive reviews, over 100 loyal customers, lip-smacking food choices, and the excitement that comes from hearing the Cha-Ching of the cash register. I plan share with you in coming issues some of the rewards and challenges that we encounter, in addition to the great consulting/coaching advice that we love to present.
You may wonder what a café has to do with your housecleaning business…well, everything! I have been involved in service businesses now for about 20 years, and they all come down to this…
You need a formula for setting clear expectations and consistently exceeding them.
It’s that simple (maybe not easy though), but every single service related business that I have been involved in and/or consulted in can attribute its success to this plan of action, and so far the café is no exception.
It may be also interesting for you to know that the café business was built with absolutely no money. No backers, no credit cards, no loans…absolutely nothing except sweat equity, trade-outs, craigslist and a very tiny amount of personal pocket money. The modest business plan that we prepared called for a minimum investment of $25,000 to take the retail space and turn it into a working café; this was not possible for Teresa, so we improvised on everything and put some fast talking to work. I can’t wait to share with you the details as they unfold with the café business, and the other exciting business topics that we always have in ScrubPro News.
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