5 Reasons Your Staff May Be Running For The Door
When I say “ER” what do you think of? If you thought emergency room, you guessed incorrectly. “Employee Retention” was what I was talking about but most of us business owners dread the discussion just about as much as an emergency room visit. We have good news though!!! Being armed with the knowledge of why employees leave is more than half the actual battle. Below is a check list for you to look at. The list includes the top 5 reasons why employees actually leave. Find solutions for these and you are on your way to a happier employee environment and a huge decrease in lost revenue and recruiting woes!
- Bait and Switch – Employees often complain about their job descriptions changing drastically once they sign the dotted line. If you know that there will be some demanding hours or times when there is a lull in work load, tell the person you are hiring up front. Most of the time people just want to be kept in the loop and are much more willing to roll with the punches when they are in the know.
- Unequal Work/Life balance – Everyone has to have balance in their lives. The fastest way for an employee to want to look for another job is feeling like the scale is weighing too heavy on the work side.
- No raises or promotions – Money doesn’t tend to be the first reason for people wanting to leave a position but it is up as a contributor. People want to feel valued and a quick way to feel undervalued is to put in years of service with little to show. Even if its bonus or incentive based, some form of acknowledgment is good.
- Unqualified New Hire – Often time’s people will hire employees because they like them rather than if they are a good fit or qualified for the position. Hire with your head not your heart
- Undervalued or Unappreciated – An employee will only break their backs for so long without some form of appreciation or recognition. If you think about it in a way like how you would want to be treated, it might be easier to remember. We are always under a lot of pressure and handling 100 things at once but making time for the recognition will let the employee know they are worth the time and energy.
Worried your staff may be thinking about leaving? Recent studies show that more than 52% of your employees are currently thinking about it. Take our quiz and find our your Employee Retention Score, so you can head trouble off at the pass!